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Document 25
Flanged Window Flashing - Sill pan with ZIP System Flashing Tape and Stretch Tape
This detail shows one of HEW's recommendations for flashing a sill pan with a stretchable tape in the corners and a flashing tape on the sill.
Document 26
T-Joint above Flanged Window - Hat Piece Installed over Head Flashing with ZIP System Flashing Tape
This detail shows one of HEW's recommendations when a vertical panel seam is located within the head of a window.
Document 27
T-Joint above Flanged Window - Head Flanged Taped with ZIP System 6-inch Flashing Tape
This detail shows one of HEW's recommendations when a vertical panel seam is located within the head of a window.
Document 28
Store Front Window - ZIP System Sheathing
This detail shows HEW's recommendations when installing a store front/non-flanged window.
Document 29
Brick Mould Window with ZIP System Flashing Tape
This detail shows HEW's recommendations when installing a brick mould window.
Document 30
Brick Veneer with Flanged Window and ZIP System Flashing Tape
This detail shows HEW's recommendations when installing a flanged window when using brick veneer.
Document 31
Exterior Foam with Flanged Window and ZIP System Flashing Tape
This detail shows HEW's recommendations when installing a window with ZIP System sheathing when exterior foam is used.
Document 32
Picture Frame Window with ZIP System Flashing Tape
This detail shows HEW's recommendations when installing a flanged window over a picture framing.
Document 33
Brick Mould Doors with ZIP System Sheathing
This detail shows one of HEW's recommendations for installing doors with ZIP System sheathing.
Document 34
Round Pipe Penetration with ZIP System Stretch Tape or Liquid Flash
This detail shows HEW's recommendations on how to flash a pipe through ZIP System sheathing.
Document 35
Beam Penetration with Stretch Tape or Liquid Flash
This detail shows HEW's recommendations on how to flash a beam through ZIP System sheathing.
Document 36
Flanged PTAC with ZIP System Sheathing
This detail shows HEW's recommendations on how to flash a PTAC through ZIP System sheathing.