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134 Documents
Document 25
ZIP System™ Roof Commercial Limited Warranty
This document explains the product warranty for ZIP System roof products used in commercial applications.
Document 26
ZIP System™ Wall Residential Limited Warranty
This document explains the product warranty for ZIP System Wall products used in residential applications.
Document 27
ZIP System™ Roof Residential Limited Warranty
This document explains the product warranty for ZIP System roof products used in residential applications.
Document 28
Window and Door Sealant Compatibility with ZIP System Products
This technical tip covers compatibility of a wide range of window and door sealants applied over ZIP System sheathing and accessory products
Document 29
Brick Ledge With Insulated Slab Using ZIP System R-sheathing
This detail shows HEW's recommendation on how to address a transition from ZIP System R-sheathing to an insulated slab foundation with brick ledge
Document 30
Foundation Flashing with ZIP System R-sheathing RD-2.3
This detail shows HEW's recommendations on how to space the area where ZIP System R-sheathing meets the foundation.
Document 31
Round Pipe Penetration with ZIP System R-sheathing and Stretch Tape
This detail shows HEW's recommendations on how to flash a pipe through ZIP System R-sheathing with stretch tape
Document 32
AAMA 714 equivalency | ZIP System Liquid Flash | ESR-4597
Evaluation report for ZIP System liquid flash stating compliance with AAMA 714 as a fluid applied flashing product.
Document 33
Flanged Window Trim Flashing and Sill Pan with Stretch Tape
This details describes how to flash a flanged window with head flashing above trim and a sill pan using ZIP System Stretch Tape
Document 34
Safety Data Sheet | ZIP System Liquid Flash | Francais
La fiche de données de sécurité (SDS) répertorie tous les matériaux utilisés dans le ZIP System liquid flash.
Document 35
Safety Data Sheet | ZIP System Liquid Flash | Espanol
La Hoja de datos de seguridad (SDS) enumera todos los materiales utilizados en el ZIP System liquid flash.
Document 36
Contractor Checklist for ZIP System Sheathing
This checklist outlines the important observations and practices to perform successfully when installing ZIP System sheathing and R-sheathing.