President at Building-Wright
Peter Yost has taught building performance to high school students, graduate students in architecture and environment management, and every type of building professional you can imagine.

You can contact Peter with any work-related comments and questions on his website.
A true building science expert and enthusiast, Peter has more than 30 years of experience in building, researching, writing and consulting on high-performance structures. Peter offers expertise on everything from energy efficiency to moisture management and durability.
Peter Yost is the person you turn to if you want to truly understand how buildings work: their design, specification, construction, performance assessment.
Peter is an Accredited Building Enclosure Commissioning Process Provider (BECxP)/Commissioning Authority+Building Enclosure (CxA+BE) – University of Wisconsin–Madison College of Engineering and Department of Engineering Professional Development (2016).
“I love my job. I get up each morning to an ever-changing blend of consulting, writing, teaching and research.”